Economic Services
Since 1969, THK Associates, Inc. has provided nationally recognized development feasibility studies, market research, appraisals and expert testimony for clients with various Real Estate product types. These include office, industrial, retail, hotel, single-family, multi-family, senior living, self-storage, golf course, land, entertainment and intricate mixed-use developments. THK also consults on niche markets like low-income housing, charter-school, oil and gas, and ski resort. THK specializes in highest-best-use analysis, demand forecasts, absorption projections, land-use models and valuation with an extensive research and economic modeling process that has been enriched since 1969. Each year, THK’s feasibility studies are used for 150+ unique private and public lending, acquisition, investment, development, re-development, valuation and disposition decisions.
Part of THK’s services includes preparing market feasibility absorption analyses with estimate of market and assessed value to serve as the foundation for bond offerings for Municipal and Special Districts. This many time involves estimating revenues from Tax Increment Financing and other related sources of revenues.